Introduction + What is Feminine Energy?
Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to our premier and introductory episode of the Healing the Feminine podcast.
In this podcast, my intention is to define the Feminine. This is one of the most challenging things for me to do because She can’t truly be contained by words.
relating to the feminine from a feminine perspective (vs the masculine)
Most speak of the Feminine in relationship to the masculine, from masculine energy, and in masculine ways. Lists of ways of doing or even being that are feminine vs masculine.
This is natural as we live in a very masculine society and trust the language of the masculine with clear boundaries and definitions. I love the Masculine by the way.
A different perspective may also be helpful in conceptualizing and learning to think about these two energies.
I speak of the feminine from a feminine perspective. I also know the masculine in relationship to the feminine and speak of Him through this lens as well. I realize this is a different perspective from many and a potential entry point to a new paradigm.
I relate to the Feminine as an energetic field, an Essence.
She cannot be categorized, for she is wild and untamed. She doesn’t necessarily follow the rules, I can’t say she is super agreeable, she IS receptive, when she wants to be, and when something doesn’t fancy her she gives zero bothers.
She can experience a myriad of emotions, she is not above anger, and mess with the ones she loves and she’s the fiercest of all.
the moment i truly met the feminine
I will tell you a story about how I first came to know her, in the hopes that it will provide some clarity.
I was in a candle shop about 4.5 years ago. This wasn’t my trying to connect with and heal my feminine energy. I had been working on this for some time. However, it was the first time I began to understand what I call the language of the Feminine and how to truly embody my feminine energy.
During this time, I was struggling emotionally on so many levels and I kept seeing an image of candles all around my Brooklyn walkup apartment – helping to heal and soothe me.
I found myself in this candle shop not too far from where I live. A woman walked up to me – I can’t quite remember what she said to open the conversation.
I became distinctly aware of her as she recommended a specific bath for me to purchase.
I asked her why she recommended that specific one and she said,
“I can tell your light is bright and you are very strong but you are hurting on the inside and a lot of people don’t know.”
I felt seen.
I listened to the energy of the words, inside of our interaction.
And for the first time, clearly, I heard the voice of the Feminine. She speaks in her own language — it is a language of emotions, sensations, and subtle vibration.
The access point to meeting and connecting with the feminine is through your body.
the sacred cry of the feminine
The Feminine is not just an idea or concept. She is everpresent, real, and reemerging in a profound way inside the bodies of women and many men all over the planet.
We are hearing the sacred call, some of us are answering, some of us are trying to ignore and she is getting louder and louder.
We can see it in current events in the world as our physical health and wellness become an increasing priority. Issue related to how we nourish (food supply) and heal ourselves is in headlines every day.
It is time to honor, listen, and heal our inner Feminine. And as we do we will our bodies, hearts, lives, and prayerfully this planet.
To be clear, this Masculine is very much part of this conversation.
The more I heal my inner Feminine, the more I love, know, and respect my inner Masculine. We’ll get into this more in a later episode.
As you listen to this podcast, naturally you will listen to the words. I also request that you listen to the vibration and essence of what is being spoken and listen with your heart and body.
who am I and what will we discuss in healing the feminine podcast
My name is Tiffany Crawford, founder of Healing the Feminine and I have supported hundreds of women in reclaiming and owning their intrinsic power. I have been coaching powerful women leaders for 12 years, have spoken at universities, conferences, non-Profits, and Fortune 500s alike on women in leadership, and have been a contributor to Huffington Post on the topic.
In this podcast, we will discuss topics important to feminine-natured women that have felt silenced, the need to compartmentalize or suppress part of themselves yet may not have quite had the words to put to it.
Topics related to self-healing, heartbreak, self-love, self-worth, self-esteem vs other-esteem, feeling at home in your body, learning the language of the feminine (emotions, sensations), how to communicate them, and most of all giving yourself permission to be (unapologetically and uncategorically), You.
And we’ll also get into what it looks like to allow the Masculine to love, support, protect, and cherish the Feminine as she blossoms more and more into who she already is.
Welcome to the Healing the Feminine Podcast.
Hello, my name is Tiffany. My mission is to help you find soul-aligned solutions to birthing your vision on this planet.