11 Ways to Clean Up Your Energy Part II
Ayyyyeeee, it’s Leo Season let’s continue with cleaning up our energy in level-up SHINE mode.
As you clean up your energy, space is created for more alignment with:
- Your true desires
- Higher versions of yourself
- Inner peace, prosperity, abundance, joy, love
- All the things you want and that life wants to give to you
You get the vibe. Now it is time to anchor your new frequency and let all that in.
In 11 Ways to Clean Up Your Energy Part II the focus is on anchoring and maintaining your elevated energetic level.
- Let the new in. Focus your energy forward.
Part of cleaning up our energy and releasing it at times includes looking back to process, forgive, or let fo difficult moments, beliefs, or patterns we picked up along the way.
As we release and elevate it is time to focus forward. Yes, pause to process and forgive as things come up and practice shifting that freed-up energy forward into what you are creating.
- Get more and more comfortable saying yes to you (and no to people-pleasing). Tolerating certain interactions, ways of being or interacting to go along or avoid confrontation does not serve your alignment.
Get comfortable saying no and standing in your power when a response that formerly triggered fawning or another trauma response arises.
- Wrap yourself in a white light and imagine a stream of light cleansing away any debris. To add a layer to this you can wrap yourself in a pink bubble and relax into all that’s good present and already on its way to you.
- Create a new habit. As we clear up our energy often new desires that were buried, forgotten, or we dismissed as impossible begin to reemerge.
Trust yourself and anchor that awareness. Take action on something you desire and integrate it into your daily life. Small steps can create massive change.
- Drink your water. Water is quite magical and we don’t talk about it enough.
We discuss staying hydrated and it is definitely good for your health. It also facilitates digestion and release – which are two of our body’s natural healing methods. Stress, toxins, and emotional debris can be eliminated along with other waste as we learn to let go.
- Send yourself loving energy. We often talk about sending others love, healing energy, or prayers. This is great and next time you feel hurt or offended. – take a moment to send yourself some love and refuel at the moment.
Just take a moment place your hands over your heart connect with the loving force always within you and send it to parts of your body, life, or energetic field that need attention.
- Be intentional about your rest. If you can’t tell by now I am all about connecting with the body’s natural ways to support us. Rest is the time when our mental, emotional, and physical body repairs and rejuvenates itself.
The body is a brilliant work of art that self-heals when we allow it to.
Do what needs to be done to wind down ad create the space for intentional rest. Get in bed, turn the lights and television off, practice some deep breathing, – whatever it is for you.
This will help create the space for a restful night vs falling asleep on the couch or with the TV on.
- Stay grateful. We touched on this a bit before and it is worth calling out on its own. Practice being in a state of gratitude. Look for things to be grateful for, you can even practice making a daily gratitude list as part of your morning routine if that supports you.
- Reframe your thoughts. Choose one thing that bothers or worries you. Is there another way that you can decide to see this that serves or supports you? Maybe the new perspective even inspires you.
- Breathe. Mindful breath as part of your daily practice is a game changer.
Breathwork can:- Cleanse and move old stagnant energy and emotions
- Ground and reconnect you with your body
- Energize your mind and body
- Clarify your mind and help you focus
Really the list goes on. Breathwork is dope, get into it.
- Meditate. As cliche as this may sound with every self-help site encouraging you to meditate, it is highly highly effective. I first began meditating after I read the 7 Laws of Spiritual Success (decades ago) and the Law of Pure Consciousness intrigued me in a visceral way. I felt a strong need to grasp this seemingly intangible concept.
You can begin with just five minutes of focusing on your breath or paying attention to the sensations of your body.
The Love Work™ Inner Circle has a collection of guided meditations and breathwork if you feel called.
Whether you’re reading this during Leo Season or not, cleaning up your energy and aligning to a new vibration are foundational elements of manifesting.
Integrate tools that support you and you will find creating a life you love with intention will come naturally.
Hello, my name is Tiffany. My mission is to help you find soul-aligned solutions to birthing your vision on this planet.