11 Ways to Clean Up Your Energy
Cancer Season is also my birthday season. That plus the alignment of the planets, naturally it was time to do some energetic cleansing.
I kicked it off a few days before my bday and I don’t know if I would use the words I am wrapping up the release/cleanse but it feels more like as Leo season enters I am entering the next phase of the energetic release.
I figured I’d share 11 easy ways to clean up your energy to more easily align with your desired vibration.
The alignment of the planets is powerful right now and supportive of cleansing and renewal on the love, money, and personal growth fronts.
1. Clean out your closet (and cabinets and drawers). This is a huge one. I am a minimalist and pretty much live by the container concept laid out in The Joy of Less.
The Joy of LessEssentially the concept is everything has a place, (eg clothes in the closet and drawers, hair products in their own cabinet or shelf) – and when it’s full, it’s full. Like a container.
All that to say, I don’t own many superfluous things, and still…cleaning out my closet was a very cleansing and emotional project. I haven’t done this in a little over a year and each time. I find more and more to release.
Items and the things we own hold energy. Especially keepsakes and papers – two biggies for me.
Cleaning out your closet gives you the chance to truly assess what you own, and what it means to you, and intentionally choose to curate the ‘things’ in your life.
It is also a chance to release items that no longer serve you, reconnect or shift the relationship to the items you choose to keep, and even cleanse and reenergize them.
I also find the simple process brings up memories that may be stored in your mind and body for processing, forgiving, and release.
This was the most emotional for me because it brought me back to moments that I needed to grieve, process, and release.
The emotional energy of things is one of the reasons I believe so many have difficulty decluttering. Get support or even company to get you going.
2. Cut energetic and spiritual chords. Simply put chord cutting is the process of cutting any energetic ties you may have to people, places, situations, or things.
You can cut chords in many different ways — visioning any ties being released, energetically cutting them with a crystal knife/sword, or using your hands in the Kali Mudra (hands interlaced with pointer fingers straight, common in Warrior pose) are a few.
Here what matters most is your intention to cut the chord and inner knowing that it is to your free will to govern your energy and power.
3. Release relationships and connections that no longer serve you or are out of alignment. This can be as simple as deciding not to communicate anymore.
Depending on what feels right or what boundaries you may need to put in place it can go as far as unfriending on social media, blocking phone numbers, leaving group or messenger chats or whatever feels right for you to let go and move forward.
The key is to get clear on whatever supports you to release them from your thoughts, actions, and energetic field.
This may require some processing and forgiveness work, feel into what you need.
4. Clean up your social media accounts. Unfollow, leave Facebook groups, messenger chats, or any threads that are not in alignment with the vibration you desire to align with.
Groups and message threads hold energy as do the information they send across your feed.
Yes, you can do the work to scroll past or ignore if you prefer.
The simplest way is to leave these spaces all together allowing your energy to be focused on spaces that do serve you vs managing those that don’t.
5. Let the water cleanse you. One of the simplest ways to cleanse your energy and you can really do it every day is to let the water wash over you.
When you shower be intentional in that you are cleansing your energy and aura as well as your physical body.
For a deeper more ritual cleanse – you can take a spiritual bath like this heart cleansing ritual, go to the ocean, or even a bathhouse with various pools and saunas.
6. Say what needs to be said. Often times when cleaning up your energy there is communication that needs to happen. Whether it be sharing feelings you’ve been withholding, making requests for what you need to feel supported, or setting necessary boundaries.
The key here is setting the intention that you get clear and clean up your energy as the outcome. Of course, you may want a more specific result, which you can also set the intention and hold the space for.
Just be mindful to allow the response to create increased clarity – feedback for higher levels of inner alignment. You don’t need their response to look a certain way to get the alignment you need.
7. Set and honor energetic boundaries. Get clear on what you need and want in your life. Periodt. All of it, your life is yours.
Get crystal clear on how tf you want to live and energetically set those boundaries for yourself and others.
Honor those boundaries and watch your life change.
8. Write affirmations to remind yourself you are and what you are committed to. You are worthy. You are enough. You are powerful. You have a say and you get to decide how this goes.
Practice feeling into the vibration of these affirmations for one minute and eight seconds – whenever you have a moment. Let it be easy and trust that you are shifting.
9. Make a playlist. You get the vibe. What songs remind you of the juicy, beautiful, and powerful being that you are? Go add those to a playlist. Play it whenever and wherever you need to in the shower, on the treadmill, in the car, or in your office.
Vibe up and release anything not in alignment with the vibe. The more your release, shift, and alchemize that which is not in alignment the easier it will be to stay in alignment. 🤯
10. Take a trip. Change your scenery for a bit. I am known for hopping on a plane or taking a long drive to get out of town – even if it’s just for the day.
The energy and scenery of different places spark parts of you in new ways that can be healing, inspiring, or serve as a simple reminder. Returning after a trip can also offer a renewed perspective.
11. Be mindful of the food you eat and how it impacts your mental and emotional states. Food holds energy and the gut is strongly tied to your emotions
High levels of anxiety and stress can be directly correlated to the gut of your health. Ever eat something and then all of a sudden feel spiked levels of stress and overwhelm? Pay close attention the next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed and can’t put your finger on the cause. The answer could be as close as your last meal.
What you choose to consume can support the natural cleansing your physical, emotional, mental, and auric body naturally. Eat well and allow your food to support you.
Cleaning up your energy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your life, especially when you are working to manifest something.
Integrating these practices into your daily life and doing periodic full sweeps can make a massive difference in how you feel, think, and show up for yourself and others
Hello, my name is Tiffany. My mission is to help you find soul-aligned solutions to birthing your vision on this planet.