LA Strikes, Personal Power, and The New Paradigm: 4 Truths to Remember to Support Your Shift
It’s Leo season and this week has been all about energy. The Leo is all about the roar, allowing yourself to shine BRIGHT, and be confident in who you are.
As an energy healer I often look at life through this lens and the energy of Leo is all about the third chakra.
That sun energy, self-esteem, personal power, and the gut. Gut issues anyone?
We live in a society that is deeply rooted in unhealthy power dynamics. It is founded on the idea or concept of exploiting others’ energy and power for one’s own benefit.
I am in Los Angeles right now and the energy is thick here.
As I drive through the streets between the strikes with the hotels, SAG (the actors’ union), and WGA (the writers’ union) – what feels like this dying paradigm of co-opting another’s energy is on display in a very loud way.
While the writer’s and actor’s strikes are very key and pervasive the one that feels the most drastic in my experience is the hotel strike.
Drive by the Beverly Wilshire a Four Seasons Hotel, the Fairmont in Century City, and the W in Westwood – posh hotels, in exclusive areas with well-off guests – and the presence of the strikers offer a striking juxtaposition to the hotel guests.
It is very striking to me and sparks deep compassion, thought, and if I am being honest sadness.
It saddens me that as a society we cling so heavily to power structures that don’t serve us, our overall self-esteem is so low that greed and mistreatment are a source of worth, and most are blind to all of it.
Today I share 4 truths that will be necessary to thrive in the new paradigm.
- You are enough. You always have been and you always will be. This is really the crux of all healing returning to this remembrance.
For those that have experienced trauma, assault, or oppression this can feel like a challenging truth to return to. However, it is within you no matter how far away it may feel.
Releasing the energetic and mental layers of lies that say you aren’t is the way home.
- Stealing power or energy from another will never be enough to fill your inner void.
At the core of codependent relationships thus the codependent society we live in, I believe, is the desire to fill a void. By either feeding off of another person’s energy or power or giving yours away in the hope to receive love, security, or safety.
They are two sides of the same coin.
As in any abusive relationship, you will find it’s never enough. Nothing outside of you can ever fulfill the inner pang of being disconnected from your inner source of love.
This is more obvious in relationships, especially romantic ones. However, it plays out everywhere.
How you speak to the server. The way you’re willing to honor or pay your employees what they deserve. The way you always have to have the last word in any argument. The way you compare yourself to another’s fill in the blank.
It is pervasive everywhere. And those quick shots of energy from one-upping another human being quickly fade as you consciously or unconsciously search for another.
- Giving away your power or energy for love will never fill your inner void
The more obvious expression of this dynamic is those that become the source of energy or power of another. Though it’s rarely either-or. Maybe you’re the server that is mistreated and you go home and take it out on your partner.
I am speaking of the ugly moments here, the shadow. This is not from a place of judgment just for perspective as we return to our inner alignment of love.
The dynamic of staying in an unhealthy relationship, because you don’t want to be alone, is the mirror of staying in a job because you need the money.
As drastic as that sounds – of course, we all need a source of income – there is still an underlying thread that your source is outside of you. So it shows up that way.
Naturally, this all leads to the final truth:
- Learning to fuel from within is the way to disconnect from the symbiotic power structures that harm us all
As we learn to align with the infinite source of love within us and available to us, more and more – these unhealthy power dynamics can begin to crumble completely.
They are only held up by the idea of separation and lack.
Yes, society gives us plenty of things to look at as reinforcement of these ideas. But that is all they are ideas that you no longer need to commit to.
Reclaiming your power is a relearning of your inner source on a mental, physical, and energetic level.
A healing journey the planet is already on – yet free will says you get to choose.
It’s up to us to decide how it goes.
Hello, my name is Tiffany. My mission is to help you find soul-aligned solutions to birthing your vision on this planet.