The Vagus Nerve: A Perspective On Manifesting
When it comes to manifesting principles the common advice is often, to feel as if it already has occurred. What do you do if this advice feels too abstract OR even inaccessible from where you are? Read on to learn how the your nervous system may be playing a role.
In the spirit of creation, I want to share with you a transformative perspective on resetting the nervous system and the art of manifestation.
I once had a friend who wanted something so badly and I worked with her on manifesting it – and she did.
However, once she achieved it, she was in a constant state of panic. Every email, meeting, and halfway remark from her colleagues sent her nervous system into overdrive. She’d call me multiple times a day freaking out.
I realized that even though she manifested the position she wanted she had not aligned her nervous system with having it. This is one of the reasons why leveling up can often feel challenging and comes with extreme levels of stress.
It is often why often with time if we stick with it and gain confidence in our ability to be on that level it seemingly becomes easier
The Muddling of Self-Worth and Productivity (and how that fries the nervous system)
It’s an integrated matter of belief and how that impacts the nervous system. Once you begin to believe that you deserve something, feeling comfortable enough to have it feels more aligned.
This often comes with knowing you can or have done the things to feel worthy of deserving it. Depending on the level of stress, triggers, and internalized shame involved in a situation this can seem like a moving target.
Learning to work to heal and align your nervous system can make transitions, manifesting, and leveling up much easier and more accessible.
We begin this in the pre-work for, Get Embodied: The Grounding Art of Leadership from the Inside-Out.
This is not to discount hard work and effort, it is to say that the creative and manifestation process doesn’t have to be wrapped up in grind culture, constant stress, and overwhelm.
If you’re anything like me unearthing and dismantling the idea that success and grind go hand and hand can seem like a far leap.
Decolonizing Work and Self-Worth
One way to begin to do this is to reconnect with your inner power and intrinsic worth. You are worthy already and the more you believe and align with this the more you will let your inner light shine through and bless this planet in ways you most desire.
As part of this healing shame and learning to reset and calm the nervous system are integral.
I have noticed a pervasive belief in needing to sacrifice health and wellness for professional success. Anxiety disorders, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases are rampant among high-paying roles that come with great pay, perks, and bonuses.
These symptoms are just the body’s way of telling you you’re out of alignment. Taking the time to realign will provide everything you need and more.
It is time to reclaim our beliefs, energy, and nervous system from this constant state of flight, fight, or fawn.
It doesn’t have to be an either-or.
As the Feminine re-emerges it is becoming more imperative to connect with and listen to the body as part of your self-care and leadership practice. Ignoring one for the sake of the other is becoming an impossible feat as a New Earth emerges.
If you’re interested in how to reconnect with your body and bring this wisdom into your communication, decision-making, and leadership register for our flagship course Get Embodied.
In this course, I cover exactly this – in a practical roadmap for reconnecting with your inner worth and power and activating that in your daily life.
A Few Simple Practices with a New Perspective
Feel it being done. This is very much manifestation 101 This simple practice allows you to work through the nervousness and anxiety of receiving something – allowing it to come with more ease.
The simple practice of feeling it being done creates a sense of comfort and readiness in the body and nervous system of having it so.
Practice mindfulness. The 4 Fs – fight, flight, freeze, and fawn are ways the nervous system responds to heightened moments of fear. When true threats are at hand they allow the human body to respond and survive through insurmountable odds.
When true threats are not at hand yet situations or experiences cause internal triggers that make it feel just as real – these responses hijack the nervous system, cloud judgment, and cause significant stress on the body.
Learning to notice when these responses arise and simply observe before responding can go a very long way.
Practice somatic awareness. A level beyond mindfulness in which you become present to thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations – somatic awareness.
Learning to take this level of awareness a step further and move, release, and transform the associated energy in your body.
Work with the Vagus Nerve. The Vagus Nerve, also known as the wandering nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body and part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for calming the body and restoring homeostasis after a flight, fight, freeze, or fawn response.
When the vagus nerve is regulated and functioning properly we learn to release stress and return to a regulated state of activity for the health and wellbeing of the body.
Working with the Vagus Nerve is direct access to healing and releasing an overactive or unregulated nervous system.
Many times when there is something that we are not manifesting or creating it is because it feels too far outside of our comfort zone and the nervous system response feels too drastic to maintain long enough to create it.
This becomes increasingly challenging when we are already in a heightened nervous system response. Small things feel huge when already in a constant stress response.
When you learn to regulate and align your nervous system more regularly owning your power and vision from the inside out can become a natural part of your process. This can quantum leap your leadership and manifestation.
The Love Work is my product line where I discuss integrating your inner work into your outer life. Immense inner power will be needed to birth the future.